Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Tempest, Radiant, & Wildfire Adventure Squad

The WiiWare Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games have been locked in Japan for over a decade, originally only being available on the Japanese Wii Shop Channel with of course Japanese being the only langauge available to play them in. All of that finally changes with the release of English patches for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Tempest Adventure Squad, Radiant Adventure Squad, & Wildfire Adventure Squad! Pick the version you like best, each with different Pokemon and dungeons, and get ready for an all new adventure! (Check out the trailer below to see which starter Pokemon you can select in each version!)

Here are some of the cool features that the translation patches include:

  • Pokémon nickname limit expanded to 10 characters (Japanese 5)
  • Buddy Passwords fully functional. These can now be found by hitting the Wii Home button, then pressing the "Operations Guide" button.
  • Prepatched with Wiimmfi and RiiConnect24 for ease of event access. Friend Rescues do not work currently, but the team is looking into them.
  • Item icons and many descriptions ported from Super Mystery Dungeon
  • Dummied/beta items ported from Explorers of Sky have been restored. Inaccessible in-game, can be accessed with cheats.

My personal contribution to this project was translating just about all story and dialog elements from Japanese into English. It certainly took a team of epic proportions to make this translation possible though, so please view the Readme included with the patches and give the credits list a look!

Here are the links to the English patches:

Also, here is a trailer which gives an overview of what you can expect from the games!
